School Closing

School Closing/Late Start

In the event of heavy snowfall or another need to close school or delay the start of school, RSD follows these procedures:

5:45am - Director of Transportation/Maintenance makes decision to start late or cancel school and contacts Superintendent.

6:00am - Notification of Staff by Superintendent

6:15am - Notification of Parents & Students

  • Text message sent across the district

  • Robocall sent with more details

  • Email sent to parents and students

6:20am - Public Notification

  • Radio stations (KUBC AM 580 and KIX Country, Sunny 103 FM) will be notified of late start/cancellation

  • The RSD Facebook and District webpages will be updated

We encourage parents, students, and the public to utilize the above resources instead of calling the schools or district office. 

  • Voicemail at RES, RSS, and District Office will be updated

By 6:30am all parents, students, and staff will have been notified of closure or late start.