School Closing
School Closing/Late Start
In the event of heavy snowfall or another need to close school or delay the start of school, RSD follows these procedures:
5:45am - Director of Transportation/Maintenance makes decision to start late or cancel school and contacts Superintendent.
6:00am - Notification of Staff by Superintendent
6:15am - Notification of Parents & Students
Text message sent across the district
Robocall sent with more details
Email sent to parents and students
6:20am - Public Notification
Radio stations (KUBC AM 580 and KIX Country, Sunny 103 FM) will be notified of late start/cancellation
The RSD Facebook and District webpages will be updated
We encourage parents, students, and the public to utilize the above resources instead of calling the schools or district office.
Voicemail at RES, RSS, and District Office will be updated
By 6:30am all parents, students, and staff will have been notified of closure or late start.